Saturday, April 25, 2009
Servo Motor Repair Shop
Servo Motor Repairs
Both our Servo Repair Shop and our Electric Motor Repair
Operation are a member of the Electrical Apparatus Service Association.
Servo Motor Repair Repair Depot for Servo Motors
Expert repair specialists of servo motors, stepper motors and spindle
motors- Send your motors to our servo/stepper/spindle motor repair depot.
Servo South - Complete Servo Motor Repair
Your Complete Servo Repair Shop! Looking for Someone to repair your
servo motor? 1-866-ServoSouth. We offer servo motor repair service for a
wide variety
Servo Motor Repair
Servo motor repair is not just something we do - it is all we do and nothing
else. We are not in the same business as the typical "motor repair shop". ...
Servo Motor Repair - Kollmorgan, Yaskawa, Siemens
ServoTech, Inc. provides servo motor repair on AC, DC brushless, and
DC brushed servo grime and grease found in most standard servo motor
repair shops.
Servo Motor Repair Specialist - Accu Electric Motors Inc.Accu Electric Motors is an authorized servo motor repair facility for many
servo motor brands.
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Servo Motor Shop
China Servo Motor
Find us,find best servo motormanufacturer in china
Servo Motor
Servo Motor Supplier.Browse for Thermostat Suppliers
Servo Motors Manufacturers
Find new products & qualitymanufacturers from China & Asia
Fanuc S series servo motors from model 2-0s to model 30S
and 100's of S series ... 20S, 20S/3000, 30S are the main
series that the motor shop specialise in.
Trio Motion Technology
Powerful, Easy to UseServo Motor Control
Motor Manufacturer
Products include Stepping, BLDC motor. Look for distributors &
servo motor wholesalehigh quality servo motor, manufacturers, dedicated to
Universal Servo DrivesDigital Motion Control With Technosoft Intelligent
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Find us,find best servo motormanufacturer in china
Servo Motor
Servo Motor Supplier.Browse for Thermostat Suppliers
Servo Motors Manufacturers
Find new products & qualitymanufacturers from China & Asia
Fanuc S series servo motors from model 2-0s to model 30S
and 100's of S series ... 20S, 20S/3000, 30S are the main
series that the motor shop specialise in.
Trio Motion Technology
Powerful, Easy to UseServo Motor Control
Motor Manufacturer
Products include Stepping, BLDC motor. Look for distributors &
servo motor wholesalehigh quality servo motor, manufacturers, dedicated to
Universal Servo DrivesDigital Motion Control With Technosoft Intelligent
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Robot Sensors Shop
Build Your Own RobotMotors, Sensors, Robot Bases Controllers, Robot Kits and
Robot Store (HK) -- Robot parts, sensors
We have large collection of parts for science projects and robot
constructions such as various robot platforms, sensors, gear box
kits, servos, DC motors
Sensors - RobotShop.caUse many types of sensors and increase your robot's awareness! ...
Servo Magazine, July 2007 – Then and Now: Robot Sensors. ...
Shop By Category
Robot Kits, Electronics, Parts, Motors, and SensorsThis is the complete Mark III Robot kit, everything you need to build a
working autonomous robot including controller board, sensors,
pre-programmed PIC, ..
Parallax SensorsSense the world around you with Parallax Sensors; from motion
detection to locating complex patterns of light, we have the devices
you might require for your most recent project., gudangnya Robot, mikrokontroler, sensor
Microcontroller IC (15) Microcontroller Kits (27) Modules (3)
Motor DC Driver (7) Optical Switch (3) Parallax Robot (3) Programmer
(2) Relay (1) Sensor (27) ...
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Robot Store (HK) -- Robot parts, sensors
We have large collection of parts for science projects and robot
constructions such as various robot platforms, sensors, gear box
kits, servos, DC motors
Sensors - RobotShop.caUse many types of sensors and increase your robot's awareness! ...
Servo Magazine, July 2007 – Then and Now: Robot Sensors. ...
Shop By Category
Robot Kits, Electronics, Parts, Motors, and SensorsThis is the complete Mark III Robot kit, everything you need to build a
working autonomous robot including controller board, sensors,
pre-programmed PIC, ..
Parallax SensorsSense the world around you with Parallax Sensors; from motion
detection to locating complex patterns of light, we have the devices
you might require for your most recent project., gudangnya Robot, mikrokontroler, sensor
Microcontroller IC (15) Microcontroller Kits (27) Modules (3)
Motor DC Driver (7) Optical Switch (3) Parallax Robot (3) Programmer
(2) Relay (1) Sensor (27) ...
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Robot Kit Shop
AP411 Circuit Kit Micro PICCircuit Kit Micro PIC -Use CPU PIC 16F628A. -Working at
4 MHz. ... Print Circuit Board - All equipments for Electronic
-Solder -Wire -Mannual
We have more robot kits than anyone! We carry robotic kits
from OWI, CIC, Solarbotics, Gaakan Mechamo, Parallax, Ibotz,
Microbric, BattleKit, Robotis, Japan Robotech, Kondo, Elenco,
Velleman and more!
Elenco 200 in 1 Electronic Projects Lab Kit
This electronic kit includes a built-in speaker, earphone, meter,
schematics, circuit explanations and is a course in electronics in itself!
Walking Robot Kit
H02236-01B, Add To Cart, Walking Robot Kit, Inventory Clearance
Sale. Limited to stock on hand. Order now! Our Regular Price: $32.99.
Now: $28.04, In Stock
Gadgets - Gogic Player DIY Robot kit from Elekit - Japan Trend Shop
The Gogic player from Elekit is a DIY robot kit with 5 servo-motor ...
Gogic Player DIY Robot kit from Elekit Click to enlarge
Rockit Robot Kit Owi (No Soldering Required)Rockit Robot Kit Owi (No Soldering Required). OWI-7769 $29.95 $26.95.
On Sale! Add to Cart. Click Here to See Related Products
Jungle Robot KitJungle Robot Kit - Build a jungle robot which moves hand over hand like
an orangutan or walks like a gorilla.
Sumo Robots
Sumo Rolling Chassis; Bullet Proof Laser-cut Lexan; Aluminum
Reinforced Chassis Design. sr401.jpg. Part# [ SR4-KT ] $105.90 USD.
Details · Add To Cart
Buy Cheap Robot Kit
4 MHz. ... Print Circuit Board - All equipments for Electronic
-Solder -Wire -Mannual
We have more robot kits than anyone! We carry robotic kits
from OWI, CIC, Solarbotics, Gaakan Mechamo, Parallax, Ibotz,
Microbric, BattleKit, Robotis, Japan Robotech, Kondo, Elenco,
Velleman and more!
Elenco 200 in 1 Electronic Projects Lab Kit
This electronic kit includes a built-in speaker, earphone, meter,
schematics, circuit explanations and is a course in electronics in itself!
Walking Robot Kit
H02236-01B, Add To Cart, Walking Robot Kit, Inventory Clearance
Sale. Limited to stock on hand. Order now! Our Regular Price: $32.99.
Now: $28.04, In Stock
Gadgets - Gogic Player DIY Robot kit from Elekit - Japan Trend Shop
The Gogic player from Elekit is a DIY robot kit with 5 servo-motor ...
Gogic Player DIY Robot kit from Elekit Click to enlarge
Rockit Robot Kit Owi (No Soldering Required)Rockit Robot Kit Owi (No Soldering Required). OWI-7769 $29.95 $26.95.
On Sale! Add to Cart. Click Here to See Related Products
Jungle Robot KitJungle Robot Kit - Build a jungle robot which moves hand over hand like
an orangutan or walks like a gorilla.
Sumo Robots
Sumo Rolling Chassis; Bullet Proof Laser-cut Lexan; Aluminum
Reinforced Chassis Design. sr401.jpg. Part# [ SR4-KT ] $105.90 USD.
Details · Add To Cart
Buy Cheap Robot Kit
Friday, April 24, 2009
Electronic Circuit Kits Shop
Electronic Kits
robot kits Check out the latest electronic kits, robot kits,
and electronic circuits! Electronic Kits - Projects that
include circuit boards and components
Electronics and Electricity KitsOur selection of electronic kits can't be beat. We have
electronics labs and kits. They will be assembled on
state-of- the-art printed circuit boards.
Electronic Circuits and Electronics Kits – Electronic Hobby Kits
in order to construct an electronic circuit that performs
a specific action. A typical example of an electronic kit are
Audio Amplifier Kits – which will
ART TEC - Magnetic Levitation KitThis simple electronic kit uses magnetic levitation to
suspend small objects ... The Kit includes all parts to
make the electronic circuit, and includes the
Lie Detector Electronic Kit and Circuit Explanation
Teach or learn about lie detector and discrete voltage
comparator circuits with this Lie Detector electronic kit
design from MadLab.
Hobby Engineering: Electronic Kits Section
Picture of product, Audio to Light Modulator Electronic Kit
This circuit detects sound and varies lighting in proprotion
to the intensity of the sound.
Electronic KitsAll of the kits' Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are made and
packaged in ..... Electronic kit related books. All books are
in stock and can be shipped
Zapper KitElectronic Kit & Parts for Educators, Researchers & Hobbyists
This breadboard kit is based on Dr. Hulda Clark's zapper
circuit design that was recently
Buy Cheap Electronic Circuit Kit
robot kits Check out the latest electronic kits, robot kits,
and electronic circuits! Electronic Kits - Projects that
include circuit boards and components
Electronics and Electricity KitsOur selection of electronic kits can't be beat. We have
electronics labs and kits. They will be assembled on
state-of- the-art printed circuit boards.
Electronic Circuits and Electronics Kits – Electronic Hobby Kits
in order to construct an electronic circuit that performs
a specific action. A typical example of an electronic kit are
Audio Amplifier Kits – which will
ART TEC - Magnetic Levitation KitThis simple electronic kit uses magnetic levitation to
suspend small objects ... The Kit includes all parts to
make the electronic circuit, and includes the
Lie Detector Electronic Kit and Circuit Explanation
Teach or learn about lie detector and discrete voltage
comparator circuits with this Lie Detector electronic kit
design from MadLab.
Hobby Engineering: Electronic Kits Section
Picture of product, Audio to Light Modulator Electronic Kit
This circuit detects sound and varies lighting in proprotion
to the intensity of the sound.
Electronic KitsAll of the kits' Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) are made and
packaged in ..... Electronic kit related books. All books are
in stock and can be shipped
Zapper KitElectronic Kit & Parts for Educators, Researchers & Hobbyists
This breadboard kit is based on Dr. Hulda Clark's zapper
circuit design that was recently
Buy Cheap Electronic Circuit Kit
Electronic Kits,
Electronic Circuit,
Monday, April 13, 2009
Switch-Mode Battery Charger ICs
Switch-Mode 1-Cell Li+ Chargers

Additional features include automatic input power
detection (ACON output), logic-controlled enable, and
temperature monitoring with an external thermistor. The
MAX1925 disables charging for inputs greater than
6.1V, while the MAX1926 charges for inputs between
4.25V and 12V.
The MAX1925/MAX1926 feature two precondition levels
to restore near-dead cells. The devices source 4mA to
a cell that is below 2V while sourcing C/10 to a cell
between 2V and 3V. Full charge current is then applied
above 3V. A CHG output drives an LED to indicate
charging (LED on) and fault conditions (LED blinking).
The MAX1925/MAX1926 are available in a 12-pin
4mm * 4mm thin QFN package and are specified over
the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). An
evaluation kit is available to speed design.
Switch-Mode Lithium-Ion

The MAX745 regulates the voltage set point and charging
current using two loops that work together to transition
smoothly between voltage and current regulation.
The per-cell battery voltage regulation limit is set
between 4V and 4.4V using standard 1% resistors, and
then the number of cells is set from 1 to 4 by pin-strapping.
Total output voltage error is less than ±0.75%.
For a similar device with an SMBus™ microcontroller
interface and the ability to charge NiCd and NiMH cells,
refer to the MAX1647 and MAX1648. For a low-cost Li+
charger using a linear-regulator control scheme, refer
to the MAX846A.
MAX745 Datasheet pdf
LTC4009 - High Efficiency, Multi-Chemistry

1.Charge Current Programmable up to 1A
2.Charges Single Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from USB Port
3.Preset Float Voltage with ±0.35% Accuracy
4.Micropower Comparator for Battery Monitoring
5.Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate Without Risk
The MAX1925/MAX1926 single-cell lithium-ion (Li+)
switch-mode battery chargers use an external PMOS
pass element step-down configuration. Charge current
is programmable, and an external capacitor sets the
maximum charge time.
switch-mode battery chargers use an external PMOS
pass element step-down configuration. Charge current
is programmable, and an external capacitor sets the
maximum charge time.
Additional features include automatic input power
detection (ACON output), logic-controlled enable, and
temperature monitoring with an external thermistor. The
MAX1925 disables charging for inputs greater than
6.1V, while the MAX1926 charges for inputs between
4.25V and 12V.
The MAX1925/MAX1926 feature two precondition levels
to restore near-dead cells. The devices source 4mA to
a cell that is below 2V while sourcing C/10 to a cell
between 2V and 3V. Full charge current is then applied
above 3V. A CHG output drives an LED to indicate
charging (LED on) and fault conditions (LED blinking).
The MAX1925/MAX1926 are available in a 12-pin
4mm * 4mm thin QFN package and are specified over
the extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C). An
evaluation kit is available to speed design.
_ Small (4mm * 4mm) Package
_ 4.25V to 12V Input Range (MAX1926)
_ Overvoltage Lockout at 6.1V (MAX1925)
_ ±0.75% Battery Regulation Voltage
_ Set Charge Current with One Resistor
_ Automatic Input Power Sense
_ LED (or Logic-Out) Charge Status and Fault
_ Programmable Safety Timer
_ Autorestart at Cell = 4V
_ Thermistor Monitor Input
_ Small (4mm * 4mm) Package
_ 4.25V to 12V Input Range (MAX1926)
_ Overvoltage Lockout at 6.1V (MAX1925)
_ ±0.75% Battery Regulation Voltage
_ Set Charge Current with One Resistor
_ Automatic Input Power Sense
_ LED (or Logic-Out) Charge Status and Fault
_ Programmable Safety Timer
_ Autorestart at Cell = 4V
_ Thermistor Monitor Input
Switch-Mode Lithium-Ion
The MAX745 provides all functions necessary for
charging lithium-ion (Li+) battery packs. It provides a
regulated charging current of up to 4A without getting
hot, and a regulated voltage with only ±0.75% total
error at the battery terminals. It uses low-cost, 1% resistors
to set the output voltage, and a low-cost N-channel
MOSFET as the power switch.
charging lithium-ion (Li+) battery packs. It provides a
regulated charging current of up to 4A without getting
hot, and a regulated voltage with only ±0.75% total
error at the battery terminals. It uses low-cost, 1% resistors
to set the output voltage, and a low-cost N-channel
MOSFET as the power switch.
The MAX745 regulates the voltage set point and charging
current using two loops that work together to transition
smoothly between voltage and current regulation.
The per-cell battery voltage regulation limit is set
between 4V and 4.4V using standard 1% resistors, and
then the number of cells is set from 1 to 4 by pin-strapping.
Total output voltage error is less than ±0.75%.
For a similar device with an SMBus™ microcontroller
interface and the ability to charge NiCd and NiMH cells,
refer to the MAX1647 and MAX1648. For a low-cost Li+
charger using a linear-regulator control scheme, refer
to the MAX846A.
_ Charges 1 to 4 Li+ Battery Cells
_ ±0.75% Voltage-Regulation Accuracy
Using 1% Resistors
_ Provides up to 4A without Excessive Heating
_ 90% Efficient
_ Uses Low-Cost Set Resistors and
N-Channel Switch
_ Up to 24V Input
_ Up to 18V Maximum Battery Voltage
_ 300kHz Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) Operation
Low-Noise, Small Components
_ Stand-Alone Operation—No Microcontroller
_ Charges 1 to 4 Li+ Battery Cells
_ ±0.75% Voltage-Regulation Accuracy
Using 1% Resistors
_ Provides up to 4A without Excessive Heating
_ 90% Efficient
_ Uses Low-Cost Set Resistors and
N-Channel Switch
_ Up to 24V Input
_ Up to 18V Maximum Battery Voltage
_ 300kHz Pulse-Width Modulated (PWM) Operation
Low-Noise, Small Components
_ Stand-Alone Operation—No Microcontroller
MAX745 Datasheet pdf
LTC4009 - High Efficiency, Multi-Chemistry
Battery Charger
The LTC4009 is a constant-current/constant-
voltage battery charger controller. It uses
a synchronous quasi-constant frequency
PWM control architecture that will not
generate audible noise with ceramic bulk
capacitors. Charge current is set by the
combination of external sense, input and
programming resistors. With no built-in
termination, the LTC4009 family charges a
wide range of batteries under external
voltage battery charger controller. It uses
a synchronous quasi-constant frequency
PWM control architecture that will not
generate audible noise with ceramic bulk
capacitors. Charge current is set by the
combination of external sense, input and
programming resistors. With no built-in
termination, the LTC4009 family charges a
wide range of batteries under external
1.Click Here For LTC4009 Evaluation Kits
2.General Purpose Battery Charger Controller
3.Efficient 550kHz Synchronous Buck PWM Topology
4.±0.5% Output Float Voltage Accuracy
5.Programmable Charge Current: 4% Accuracy
6.Programmable AC Adapter Current Limit: 3% Accuracy
7.No Audible Noise with Ceramic Capacitors
8.Wide Input Voltage Range: 6V to 28V
9.Wide Output Voltage Range: 2V to 28V
10.Indicator Outputs for AC Adapter Present, Charging,
C/10 Current Detection and Input Current Limiting
11.Analog Charge Current Monitor
12.Micropower Shutdown
13.Thermally Enhanced 20-Pin 4mm × 4mm × 0.75mm QFN Package
LTC4009 Datasheet pdf
LTC4062 - Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger with
Micropower Comparator
1.Click Here For LTC4009 Evaluation Kits
2.General Purpose Battery Charger Controller
3.Efficient 550kHz Synchronous Buck PWM Topology
4.±0.5% Output Float Voltage Accuracy
5.Programmable Charge Current: 4% Accuracy
6.Programmable AC Adapter Current Limit: 3% Accuracy
7.No Audible Noise with Ceramic Capacitors
8.Wide Input Voltage Range: 6V to 28V
9.Wide Output Voltage Range: 2V to 28V
10.Indicator Outputs for AC Adapter Present, Charging,
C/10 Current Detection and Input Current Limiting
11.Analog Charge Current Monitor
12.Micropower Shutdown
13.Thermally Enhanced 20-Pin 4mm × 4mm × 0.75mm QFN Package
LTC4009 Datasheet pdf
LTC4062 - Standalone Linear Li-Ion Battery Charger with
Micropower Comparator
The LTC4062 is a full-featured, flexible, standalone linear
charger for single-cell Lithium-Ion batteries. It is capable of
operating within USB power specifications.
Both programmable time and programmable current based
termination schemes are available. Furthermore, the CHRG
open-drain status pin can be programmed to indicate the
battery charge state according to the needs of the application.
A precise low power comparator is available even with no
power applied as long as battery voltage is higher than 2.5V.
Additional safety features designed to maximize battery
lifetime and reliability include the SmartStart charging algorithm.
charger for single-cell Lithium-Ion batteries. It is capable of
operating within USB power specifications.
Both programmable time and programmable current based
termination schemes are available. Furthermore, the CHRG
open-drain status pin can be programmed to indicate the
battery charge state according to the needs of the application.
A precise low power comparator is available even with no
power applied as long as battery voltage is higher than 2.5V.
Additional safety features designed to maximize battery
lifetime and reliability include the SmartStart charging algorithm.
1.Charge Current Programmable up to 1A
2.Charges Single Cell Li-Ion Batteries Directly from USB Port
3.Preset Float Voltage with ±0.35% Accuracy
4.Micropower Comparator for Battery Monitoring
5.Thermal Regulation Maximizes Charge Rate Without Risk
of Overheating*
6.Programmable Charge Current Detection/Termination
7. Charge Termination Timer
8.Smart Pulsing Error Feature
9.SmartStartTM Prolongs Battery Life
10.20µA Charger Quiescent Current in Shutdown
11.Available in a Low Profile (0.75mm) 10-Lead12.
6.Programmable Charge Current Detection/Termination
7. Charge Termination Timer
8.Smart Pulsing Error Feature
9.SmartStartTM Prolongs Battery Life
10.20µA Charger Quiescent Current in Shutdown
11.Available in a Low Profile (0.75mm) 10-Lead12.
(3mm × 3mm) DFN Package
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Linear Battery-Charger ICs
NiCd/NiMH Battery
Fast-Charge Controllers
The MAX712/MAX713 fast-charge Nickel Metal Hydride
(NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries from a DC
source at least 1.5V higher than the maximum battery
voltage. 1 to 16 series cells can be charged at rates up
to 4C. A voltage-slope detecting analog-to-digital converter,
timer, and temperature window comparator determine
charge completion. The MAX712/MAX713 are powered
by the DC source via an on-board +5V shunt regulator.
They draw a maximum of 5µA from the battery when not
charging. A low-side current-sense resistor allows the
battery charge current to be regulated while still
supplying power to the battery’s load.
The MAX712 terminates fast charge by detecting zero
voltage slope, while the MAX713 uses a negative
voltage-slope detection scheme. Both parts come in 16-
pin DIP and SO packages. An external power PNP transistor,
blocking diode, three resistors, and three
capacitors are the only required external components.
The evaluation kit is available: Order the MAX712EVKITDIP
for quick evaluation of the linear charger.
(NiMH) and Nickel Cadmium (NiCd) batteries from a DC
source at least 1.5V higher than the maximum battery
voltage. 1 to 16 series cells can be charged at rates up
to 4C. A voltage-slope detecting analog-to-digital converter,
timer, and temperature window comparator determine
charge completion. The MAX712/MAX713 are powered
by the DC source via an on-board +5V shunt regulator.
They draw a maximum of 5µA from the battery when not
charging. A low-side current-sense resistor allows the
battery charge current to be regulated while still
supplying power to the battery’s load.
The MAX712 terminates fast charge by detecting zero
voltage slope, while the MAX713 uses a negative
voltage-slope detection scheme. Both parts come in 16-
pin DIP and SO packages. An external power PNP transistor,
blocking diode, three resistors, and three
capacitors are the only required external components.
The evaluation kit is available: Order the MAX712EVKITDIP
for quick evaluation of the linear charger.
♦ Fast-Charge NiMH or NiCd Batteries
♦ Voltage Slope, Temperature, and Timer
Fast-Charge Cutoff
♦ Charge 1 to 16 Series Cells
♦ Supply Battery’s Load While Charging
(Linear Mode)
♦ Fast Charge from C/4 to 4C Rate
♦ C/16 Trickle-Charge Rate
♦ Automatically Switch from Fast to Trickle Charge
♦ Linear Mode Power Control
♦ 5uA (max) Drain on Battery when Not Charging
♦ 5V Shunt Regulator Powers External Logic
Cost-Saving Multichemistry
Battery-Charger System
The MAX846A is a cost-saving multichemistry batterycharger
system that comes in a space-saving 16-pin
QSOP. This integrated system allows different battery
chemistries (Li-Ion, NiMH or NiCd cells) to be charged
using one circuit.
system that comes in a space-saving 16-pin
QSOP. This integrated system allows different battery
chemistries (Li-Ion, NiMH or NiCd cells) to be charged
using one circuit.
In its simplest application, the MAX846A is a standalone,
current-limited float voltage source that charges
Li-Ion cells. It can also be paired up with a low-cost
microcontroller (µC) to build a universal charger capable
of charging Li-Ion, NiMH, and NiCd cells.
An internal 0.5%-accurate reference allows safe charging
of Li-Ion cells that require tight voltage accuracy.
The voltage- and current-regulation loops used to control
a low-cost external PNP transistor (or P-channel
MOSFET) are independent of each other, allowing more
flexibility in the charging algorithms.
The MAX846A has a built-in 1%, 3.3V, 20mA linear regulator
capable of powering the µC and providing a reference
for the µC’s analog-to-digital converters. An
on-board reset notifies the controller upon any unexpected
loss of power. The µC can be inexpensive, since
its only functions are to monitor the voltage and current
and to change the charging algorithms.
- Multichemistry Charger System (Li-Ion, NiMH, NiCd)
- Independent Voltage and Current Loops
- ±0.5% Internal Reference for Li-Ion Cells
- Lowers Cost:
—Stands Alone or Uses Low-Cost µC
—Built-In 1% Linear Regulator Powers µC
—Linear Regulator Provides Reference to µC ADCs
—Built-In µC Reset
—Controls Low-Cost External PNP Transistor or
P-Channel MOSFET
- Space-Saving 16-Pin QSOP
- Charging-Current-Monitor Output
- <1µa>
- Multichemistry Charger System (Li-Ion, NiMH, NiCd)
- Independent Voltage and Current Loops
- ±0.5% Internal Reference for Li-Ion Cells
- Lowers Cost:
—Stands Alone or Uses Low-Cost µC
—Built-In 1% Linear Regulator Powers µC
—Linear Regulator Provides Reference to µC ADCs
—Built-In µC Reset
—Controls Low-Cost External PNP Transistor or
P-Channel MOSFET
- Space-Saving 16-Pin QSOP
- Charging-Current-Monitor Output
- <1µa>
Friday, April 10, 2009
Magnetic Position Sensor- Analogue Output
Magnetic Position Sensor
has 0.5 to 4.5V ratiometric, analogue output
ASM has introduced the PRAS20, a non-contact, magnetic
rotary position sensor in a 6.0mm cost effective package.
This angular position sensor yields a 0.5 to 4.5V ratiometric,
analogue output that is available either with a 360°
measurement range or with smaller ranges in 15° increments.
This wear-free design measures angular displacement with
an external permanent magnet. The circuitry for the sensor
is encapsulated in a glass-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic
which provides shock and vibration resistance ratings of
100g/11ms shock and 20g, 10Hz to 2kHz, 10 cycles vibration.
The sensor is suitable for OEM motion control and process
automation applications.
PRAS20 Datasheet
HMC1501 / HMC1512
Linear / Angular / RotaryDisplacement Sensors

Magnetic Position Sensor
has 0.5 to 4.5V ratiometric, analogue output
rotary position sensor in a 6.0mm cost effective package.
This angular position sensor yields a 0.5 to 4.5V ratiometric,
analogue output that is available either with a 360°
measurement range or with smaller ranges in 15° increments.
This wear-free design measures angular displacement with
an external permanent magnet. The circuitry for the sensor
is encapsulated in a glass-fibre-reinforced thermoplastic
which provides shock and vibration resistance ratings of
100g/11ms shock and 20g, 10Hz to 2kHz, 10 cycles vibration.
The sensor is suitable for OEM motion control and process
automation applications.
PRAS20 Datasheet
HMC1501 / HMC1512
Linear / Angular / RotaryDisplacement Sensors
High resolution, low power MR sensor capable of measuring
the angle direction of a magnetic field from a magnet with
field strength include: insensitivity to the tempco of the magnet,
less sensitivity to shock and vibration, and the ability to
withstand large variations in the gap between the sensor and
magnet. These sensors may be operated on 3 volts with
bandwidth response of 0-5 MHz. Output is typical Wheatstone
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
Thursday, April 9, 2009
12 Bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder ICs

To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.0879° = 4096 positions per revolution.
This digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as
a PWM signal.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5045 to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 12bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- “red-yellow-green” indicators display placement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5045
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Tolerant to magnet misalignment and airgap
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5045 Datasheet
12-Bit Programmable Magnetic Rotary Encoder

The AS5045 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder for
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.0879° = 4096 positions per revolution.
This digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as
a PWM signal.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5045 to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 12bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- “red-yellow-green” indicators display placement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5045
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Tolerant to magnet misalignment and airgap
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5045 Datasheet
12-Bit Programmable Magnetic Rotary Encoder
The AS5145 is a contact less magnetic rotary encoder
for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360 degrees.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements,
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall elements,
analog front end and digital signal processing in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet, rotating
over the center of the chip, is required. The magnet may be
placed above or below the IC.The absolute angle measurement
provides instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with
a resolution of 0.0879º = 4096 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a PWM
signal.An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5145 to operate
at either 3.3V or 5V supplies.
- Contact less high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 12 bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental outputs
- Quadrature A/B (10 or 12-bit) and Index output
signal (pre-programmed versions available)
- User programmable zero position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement,
monitoring, and loss of power supply
- Red-Yellow-Green indicators display placement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5145
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Tolerant to magnet misalignment and gap variations
- Wide temperature range: - 40ºC to +150ºC
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5145 Datasheet
12 Bit Hall Angular Encoder
- Contact less high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 12 bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental outputs
- Quadrature A/B (10 or 12-bit) and Index output
signal (pre-programmed versions available)
- User programmable zero position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement,
monitoring, and loss of power supply
- Red-Yellow-Green indicators display placement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5145
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Tolerant to magnet misalignment and gap variations
- Wide temperature range: - 40ºC to +150ºC
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5145 Datasheet
12 Bit Hall Angular Encoder
- Real-time system using tracking principle for up to 120.000 rpm
- Integrated hall sensors with automatic offset compensation
- 4-fold sensor arrangement for displacement tolerant assembly
- Gain control for constant output amplitude
- Interpolator with 4096 angular steps per turn (0.1° resolution)
- Programmable resolution, hysteresis, edge control, zero position
and rotational direction
- Incremental outputs with edge frequency up to 8 MHz
- RS422 outputs with AB quadrature signals with index
- Commutation signals U, V, W for brushless dc motors
- Serial interface for absolute output and programming
- SSI compatible output mode
- Integrated zapping diodes for device setup and OEM data,
programmable via serial interface
- Error output for faulty signals (loss of magnet, frequency error);
error codes accessible via serial interface
- Extended temperature range -40 to +125 °C
iC-MH Datasheet
- Real-time system using tracking principle for up to 120.000 rpm
- Integrated hall sensors with automatic offset compensation
- 4-fold sensor arrangement for displacement tolerant assembly
- Gain control for constant output amplitude
- Interpolator with 4096 angular steps per turn (0.1° resolution)
- Programmable resolution, hysteresis, edge control, zero position
and rotational direction
- Incremental outputs with edge frequency up to 8 MHz
- RS422 outputs with AB quadrature signals with index
- Commutation signals U, V, W for brushless dc motors
- Serial interface for absolute output and programming
- SSI compatible output mode
- Integrated zapping diodes for device setup and OEM data,
programmable via serial interface
- Error output for faulty signals (loss of magnet, frequency error);
error codes accessible via serial interface
- Extended temperature range -40 to +125 °C
iC-MH Datasheet
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
10 Bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder ICs

The AS5040 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder for
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.35° = 1024 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal.
Furthermore, a user-programmable incremental output is
available, making the chip suitable for replacement of
various optical encoders.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5040 to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies.
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 10bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental output modes:
- Quadrature A/B and Index output signal
- Step / Direction and Index output signal
- 3-phase commutation for brushless DC motors
- 10, 9, 8 or 7 bit user programmable resolution
- User programmable zero / index position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- Rotational speeds up to 30,000 rpm
- Push button functionality detects movement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5040
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 1
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5040 Datasheet
10 Bit 360º Programmable Magnetic Rotary
Encoder For High Ambient Temperatures
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.35° = 1024 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal.
Furthermore, a user-programmable incremental output is
available, making the chip suitable for replacement of
various optical encoders.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5040 to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies.
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360 degrees
- Two digital 10bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental output modes:
- Quadrature A/B and Index output signal
- Step / Direction and Index output signal
- 3-phase commutation for brushless DC motors
- 10, 9, 8 or 7 bit user programmable resolution
- User programmable zero / index position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- Rotational speeds up to 30,000 rpm
- Push button functionality detects movement of
magnet in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5040
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 1
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
AS5040 Datasheet
10 Bit 360º Programmable Magnetic Rotary
Encoder For High Ambient Temperatures
The AS5140H is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder
for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of
360º and over an extended ambient temperature range
of -40ºC to +150ºC.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.35º = 1024 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal. Furthermore, a user-programmable
incremental output is available.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5140H to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies.
The AS5140H is pin-compatible to the AS5040; however
it uses low-voltage OTP programming cells with
additional programming options.
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360º
- Two digital 10-bit absolute outputs: Serial interface
and Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental output modes: Quadrature A/B
and Index output signal, Step / Direction and Index
output signal, 3-phase commutation for brushless
DC motors
- User programmable zero / index position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement monitoring
and loss of power supply
- Rotational speeds up to 10,000 rpm
- Pushbutton functionality detects movement of magnet
in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5140H
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0
- Wide ambient temperature range: -40ºC to +150ºC
AS5140H Datasheet
for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of
360º and over an extended ambient temperature range
of -40ºC to +150ºC.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip, is required. The
magnet may be placed above or below the IC.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 0.35º = 1024 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal. Furthermore, a user-programmable
incremental output is available.
An internal voltage regulator allows the AS5140H to
operate at either 3.3 V or 5 V supplies.
The AS5140H is pin-compatible to the AS5040; however
it uses low-voltage OTP programming cells with
additional programming options.
- Contactless high resolution rotational position
encoding over a full turn of 360º
- Two digital 10-bit absolute outputs: Serial interface
and Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- Three incremental output modes: Quadrature A/B
and Index output signal, Step / Direction and Index
output signal, 3-phase commutation for brushless
DC motors
- User programmable zero / index position
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement monitoring
and loss of power supply
- Rotational speeds up to 10,000 rpm
- Pushbutton functionality detects movement of magnet
in Z-axis
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5140H
devices using Daisy Chain mode
- Fully automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 0
- Wide ambient temperature range: -40ºC to +150ºC
AS5140H Datasheet
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
Monday, April 6, 2009
9 Bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder ICs
Angular magnetic encoder IC
The AM512B is a compact solution for angular
position sensing. The IC senses the angular
position of a permanent magnet placed above
the chip. The permanent magnet must be
diametrically polarized and of cylindrical shape.
The AM512B uses Hall sensor technology to
detect the magnetic flux density distribution at
the surface of the silicon. Hall sensors are
placed in a circular array around the center of
the IC and deliver a voltage representation of
the magnetic field distribution.
The sine and cosine voltage outputs from the
sensor array vary with magnet position. The
sine and cosine signals are then converted to
absolute angle position with a fast nine bit flash
The absolute angle position value from the
interpolator is output either through a parallel
binary interface, a serial SSI interface or a linear
voltage output. The relative changes of the
angle position are also output as incremental
A QUAD B encoder signals. The resolution of
incremental output is 512 counts per turn.
- Contactless angular position encoding over 360°
- Ideal for harsh environments due to magnetic
- Complete system-on-chip solution
- 9 bit absolute encoder
- Output options:
- Incremental
- Parallel
- Serial SSI
- Analogue linear
- Factory optimized linearity
- High rotational speed up to 30,000 rpm
- 5 V power supply
- Low power consumption. 20 mA typical.
- Extended operating temperature range
(-40 °C to +125 °C)
- SMD package LQFP44
- RoHS compliant (lead free)
position sensing. The IC senses the angular
position of a permanent magnet placed above
the chip. The permanent magnet must be
diametrically polarized and of cylindrical shape.
The AM512B uses Hall sensor technology to
detect the magnetic flux density distribution at
the surface of the silicon. Hall sensors are
placed in a circular array around the center of
the IC and deliver a voltage representation of
the magnetic field distribution.
The sine and cosine voltage outputs from the
sensor array vary with magnet position. The
sine and cosine signals are then converted to
absolute angle position with a fast nine bit flash
The absolute angle position value from the
interpolator is output either through a parallel
binary interface, a serial SSI interface or a linear
voltage output. The relative changes of the
angle position are also output as incremental
A QUAD B encoder signals. The resolution of
incremental output is 512 counts per turn.
- Contactless angular position encoding over 360°
- Ideal for harsh environments due to magnetic
- Complete system-on-chip solution
- 9 bit absolute encoder
- Output options:
- Incremental
- Parallel
- Serial SSI
- Analogue linear
- Factory optimized linearity
- High rotational speed up to 30,000 rpm
- 5 V power supply
- Low power consumption. 20 mA typical.
- Extended operating temperature range
(-40 °C to +125 °C)
- SMD package LQFP44
- RoHS compliant (lead free)
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
Sunday, April 5, 2009
8 Bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder ICs
Magnetic Rotary Encoder

- Contactless angular position encoding over 360°
- Ideal for harsh environments due to magnetic
- Complete system-on-chip solution
- 8 bit absolute encoder
- Output options:
- Incremental
- Parallel
- Serial SSI
- Analogue sinusoidal
- Factory optimized linearity
- High rotational speed up to 60,000 rpm
- 5 V power supply
- Low power consumption. 13 mA typical.
- Extended operating temperature range
(-40 °C to +125 °C)
- SMD package SSOP28
- RoHS compliant (lead free)
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
The AS5030 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder for
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip is required.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 8 bit = 256 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal.
In addition to the angle information, the strength of the
magnetic field is also available as a 6-bit code.
Data transmission can be configured for 1-wire (PWM),
2-wires (CLK, DIO) or 3-wires (CLK, DIO, CS) .
A software programmable (OTP) zero position simplifies
assembly as the zero position of the magnet does not
need to be mechanically aligned.
A Power Down Mode together with fast startup- and
measurement cycles allows for very low average power
consumption and makes the AS5030 also suitable for
battery operated equipment.
- 360°contactless angular position encoding
- Two digital 8-bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- High speed: up to 30.000 rpm
- Direct measurement of magnetic field strength allows
exact determination of vertical magnet distance
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5030
devices using daisy chain mode
- Wide magnetic field input range: 20 – 80mT
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small Pb-free package: TSSOP 16
accurate angular measurement over a full turn of 360°.
It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device.
To measure the angle, only a simple two-pole magnet,
rotating over the center of the chip is required.
The absolute angle measurement provides instant
indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 8 bit = 256 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal.
In addition to the angle information, the strength of the
magnetic field is also available as a 6-bit code.
Data transmission can be configured for 1-wire (PWM),
2-wires (CLK, DIO) or 3-wires (CLK, DIO, CS) .
A software programmable (OTP) zero position simplifies
assembly as the zero position of the magnet does not
need to be mechanically aligned.
A Power Down Mode together with fast startup- and
measurement cycles allows for very low average power
consumption and makes the AS5030 also suitable for
battery operated equipment.
- 360°contactless angular position encoding
- Two digital 8-bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface and
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- High speed: up to 30.000 rpm
- Direct measurement of magnetic field strength allows
exact determination of vertical magnet distance
- Serial read-out of multiple interconnected AS5030
devices using daisy chain mode
- Wide magnetic field input range: 20 – 80mT
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small Pb-free package: TSSOP 16
AS5030 datasheet
8-bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder with Incremental Outputs
8-bit Magnetic Rotary Encoder with Incremental Outputs
The AS5035 is a magnetic incremental encoder with 64
quadrature pulses per revolution (8-bit resolution) and
index output.
Two diagnostic outputs are provided to indicate an out-ofrange
condition of the magnetic field as well as movement
of the magnet in Z-axis. In addition a specific combination
of output states indicate a loss of power supply.
The AS5035 is available in a small 16pin SSOP package. It
can be operated at either 3.3V or 5V supplies.
- Full turn (360°) contactless angular position encoder
- 2 quadrature A/B outputs with 64 pulses per revolution
(ppr), 256 edges per revolution, 1.4° per step
- Index output (one pulse per revolution)
- Accurate user programmable zero position (0.35°)
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small lead-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
quadrature pulses per revolution (8-bit resolution) and
index output.
Two diagnostic outputs are provided to indicate an out-ofrange
condition of the magnetic field as well as movement
of the magnet in Z-axis. In addition a specific combination
of output states indicate a loss of power supply.
The AS5035 is available in a small 16pin SSOP package. It
can be operated at either 3.3V or 5V supplies.
- Full turn (360°) contactless angular position encoder
- 2 quadrature A/B outputs with 64 pulses per revolution
(ppr), 256 edges per revolution, 1.4° per step
- Index output (one pulse per revolution)
- Accurate user programmable zero position (0.35°)
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement
monitoring and loss of power supply
- Wide temperature range: - 40°C to + 125°C
- Small lead-free package: SSOP 16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
The AS5130 is a contactless magnetic rotary encoder
for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of
360º. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device. The angle can be measured using
only a simple two-pole magnet rotating over the center
of the chip. The magnet may be placed above or below
the IC. The absolute angle measurement provides
instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 8 bit = 256 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal. The AS5130 can be operated in pulsed
mode (Vsupply=off), which reduces the average power
consumption significantly. During Vsupply=off, the
measured angle can be stored using an internal storage
register supplied by a low power voltage line. This mode
achieves very low power consumption during polling of
the rotary position of the magnet. If the position of the
magnet changes, then the motion detection feature
wakes up an external system. The device is capable of
counting the amount of magnet revolutions. The multi
turn counter value is stored in a register and can be read
in addition to the angle information. Furthermore, any
arbitrary position can be set as zero-position. The
system is tolerant to misalignment, air gap variations,
temperature variations and external magnetic fields and
high reliability due to non-contact sensing.
- 360º contactless angular position encoding
- Two digital 8-bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- High speed: up to 30000 rpm
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement monitoring
and loss of power supply
- Wide temperature range: - 40ºC to +125ºC
- Multi Turn counter / Movement detection
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP-16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
- Automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 1
AS5130 datasheet
Angular magnetic encoder IC
The AM256 is a compact solution for angular
position sensing. The IC senses the angular
position of a permanent magnet placed above the
chip. The permanent magnet must be
diametrically polarized and of cylindrical shape.
The AM256 uses Hall sensor technology to detect
the magnetic flux density distribution at the
surface of the silicon. Hall sensors are placed in a
circular array around the center of the IC and
deliver a voltage representation of the magnetic
field distribution.
The sine and cosine voltage outputs from the
sensor array vary with magnet position. The sine
and cosine signals are then converted to absolute
angle position with a fast eight bit flash
The absolute angle position value from the
interpolator is output through a parallel binary
interface or a serial SSI interface. The relative
changes of the angle position are output through
incremental A QUAD B encoder signals. The
resolution of incremental output is selectable
between 128 and 256 counts per turn with an
external pin
for accurate angular measurement over a full turn of
360º. It is a system-on-chip, combining integrated Hall
elements, analog front end and digital signal processing
in a single device. The angle can be measured using
only a simple two-pole magnet rotating over the center
of the chip. The magnet may be placed above or below
the IC. The absolute angle measurement provides
instant indication of the magnet’s angular position with a
resolution of 8 bit = 256 positions per revolution. This
digital data is available as a serial bit stream and as a
PWM signal. The AS5130 can be operated in pulsed
mode (Vsupply=off), which reduces the average power
consumption significantly. During Vsupply=off, the
measured angle can be stored using an internal storage
register supplied by a low power voltage line. This mode
achieves very low power consumption during polling of
the rotary position of the magnet. If the position of the
magnet changes, then the motion detection feature
wakes up an external system. The device is capable of
counting the amount of magnet revolutions. The multi
turn counter value is stored in a register and can be read
in addition to the angle information. Furthermore, any
arbitrary position can be set as zero-position. The
system is tolerant to misalignment, air gap variations,
temperature variations and external magnetic fields and
high reliability due to non-contact sensing.
- 360º contactless angular position encoding
- Two digital 8-bit absolute outputs:
- Serial interface
- Pulse width modulated (PWM) output
- User programmable zero position
- High speed: up to 30000 rpm
- Failure detection mode for magnet placement monitoring
and loss of power supply
- Wide temperature range: - 40ºC to +125ºC
- Multi Turn counter / Movement detection
- Small Pb-free package: SSOP-16 (5.3mm x 6.2mm)
- Automotive qualified to AEC-Q100, grade 1
AS5130 datasheet
Angular magnetic encoder IC
The AM256 is a compact solution for angular
position sensing. The IC senses the angular
position of a permanent magnet placed above the
chip. The permanent magnet must be
diametrically polarized and of cylindrical shape.
The AM256 uses Hall sensor technology to detect
the magnetic flux density distribution at the
surface of the silicon. Hall sensors are placed in a
circular array around the center of the IC and
deliver a voltage representation of the magnetic
field distribution.
The sine and cosine voltage outputs from the
sensor array vary with magnet position. The sine
and cosine signals are then converted to absolute
angle position with a fast eight bit flash
The absolute angle position value from the
interpolator is output through a parallel binary
interface or a serial SSI interface. The relative
changes of the angle position are output through
incremental A QUAD B encoder signals. The
resolution of incremental output is selectable
between 128 and 256 counts per turn with an
external pin
- Contactless angular position encoding over 360°
- Ideal for harsh environments due to magnetic
- Complete system-on-chip solution
- 8 bit absolute encoder
- Output options:
- Incremental
- Parallel
- Serial SSI
- Analogue sinusoidal
- Factory optimized linearity
- High rotational speed up to 60,000 rpm
- 5 V power supply
- Low power consumption. 13 mA typical.
- Extended operating temperature range
(-40 °C to +125 °C)
- SMD package SSOP28
- RoHS compliant (lead free)
Magnetic Rotary Encoder
Digital Light Sensor ICs
Block Diagram
The ISL29001 is an integrated ambient light sensor with
ADC and I2C interface. With a spectral sensitivity curve
matched to that of the human eye, the ISL29001 provides
15-bit effective resolution while rejecting 50Hz and 60Hz
flicker caused by artificial light sources.
In normal operation, the ISL29001 consumes less than
300µA of supply current. A software power-down mode
controlled via the I2C interface disables all but the I2C
interface. A power-down pin is also provided, which reduces
power consumption to less than 1µA.
The ISL29001 includes an internal oscillator, which provides
100ms automatic integration periods, or can be externally
timed by I2C commands. Both the internal timing and the
illuminance resolution can be adjusted with an external
Designed to operate on supplies from 2.5V to 3.3V, the
ISL29001 is specified for operation over the -40°C to +85°C
ambient temperature range. It is packaged in a clear 6 Ld
ODFN package.
• Human Eye Response
• Temperature Compensated
• IR Rejection
• 15-bit Effective Resolution
• Adjustable Resolution: 3 Counts to 15 Counts per lux
• Simple Output Code, Directly Proportional to lux
• 0.3 lux to10,000 lux Range
• 50Hz/60Hz Rejection
• I2C Interface
• 2.5V to 3.3V Supply
• 6 Ld ODFN (2.1mmx2mm)
• Pb-Free (RoHS compliant)
ADC and I2C interface. With a spectral sensitivity curve
matched to that of the human eye, the ISL29001 provides
15-bit effective resolution while rejecting 50Hz and 60Hz
flicker caused by artificial light sources.
In normal operation, the ISL29001 consumes less than
300µA of supply current. A software power-down mode
controlled via the I2C interface disables all but the I2C
interface. A power-down pin is also provided, which reduces
power consumption to less than 1µA.
The ISL29001 includes an internal oscillator, which provides
100ms automatic integration periods, or can be externally
timed by I2C commands. Both the internal timing and the
illuminance resolution can be adjusted with an external
Designed to operate on supplies from 2.5V to 3.3V, the
ISL29001 is specified for operation over the -40°C to +85°C
ambient temperature range. It is packaged in a clear 6 Ld
ODFN package.
• Human Eye Response
• Temperature Compensated
• IR Rejection
• 15-bit Effective Resolution
• Adjustable Resolution: 3 Counts to 15 Counts per lux
• Simple Output Code, Directly Proportional to lux
• 0.3 lux to10,000 lux Range
• 50Hz/60Hz Rejection
• I2C Interface
• 2.5V to 3.3V Supply
• 6 Ld ODFN (2.1mmx2mm)
• Pb-Free (RoHS compliant)
ISL29001 datasheet pdf
The TSL2550 is a digital light sensor with a two-wire, SMBus
serial interface. It combines two photodiodes and a companding
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on a single CMOS integrated
circuit to provide light measurements over an effective 12-bit
dynamic range.
The TSL2550 is designed for use with broad wavelength light
sources. One of the photodiodes (Channel 0) is sensitive to
visible and infrared light, while the second photodiode
(Channel 1) is sensitive primarily to infrared light. An integrating
ADC converts the photodiode currents to Channel 0 and
Channel 1 digital outputs. Channel 1 digital output is used to
compensate for the effect of the infrared component of ambient
light on Channel 0 digital output. The ADC digital outputs of the
two channels are used to obtain a value that approximates the
human eye response in the commonly used unit of Lux.
_ Converts Light Intensity to Digital Signal
_ Infrared Compensation to Approximate
Human Eye Response
_ Companding A/D for Wide Dynamic Range
_ Rejects 50 Hz/60 Hz Lighting Ripple
_ Two-Wire SMBus Serial Interface
_ Single Supply Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
_ Low Active Power (1 mW typ)
_ Power Down Mode
_ Low-Profile Surface-Mount Package
The TSL2550 is a digital light sensor with a two-wire, SMBus
serial interface. It combines two photodiodes and a companding
analog-to-digital converter (ADC) on a single CMOS integrated
circuit to provide light measurements over an effective 12-bit
dynamic range.
The TSL2550 is designed for use with broad wavelength light
sources. One of the photodiodes (Channel 0) is sensitive to
visible and infrared light, while the second photodiode
(Channel 1) is sensitive primarily to infrared light. An integrating
ADC converts the photodiode currents to Channel 0 and
Channel 1 digital outputs. Channel 1 digital output is used to
compensate for the effect of the infrared component of ambient
light on Channel 0 digital output. The ADC digital outputs of the
two channels are used to obtain a value that approximates the
human eye response in the commonly used unit of Lux.
_ Converts Light Intensity to Digital Signal
_ Infrared Compensation to Approximate
Human Eye Response
_ Companding A/D for Wide Dynamic Range
_ Rejects 50 Hz/60 Hz Lighting Ripple
_ Two-Wire SMBus Serial Interface
_ Single Supply Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
_ Low Active Power (1 mW typ)
_ Power Down Mode
_ Low-Profile Surface-Mount Package
a digital output type (BH1720FVC) integrating a 16bit A/D
converter for direct digital output that eliminates the need for
external processing. The advanced features, combined with
a compact package size and shutdown function that limits
power consumption, make them ideal for high performance,
energy-saving backlight adjustment in portable devices of all
types, including compact LCD TVs, mobile phones, portable
gaming consoles, and notebook PCs.
1.Ultra-compact WSOF5 package (1.6mm×1.6mm×0.55mm)
2.Spectral sensitivity close to that of the human eye (peak
1.Ultra-compact WSOF5 package (1.6mm×1.6mm×0.55mm)
2.Spectral sensitivity close to that of the human eye (peak
sensitivity waveform: 560nm)
3.Sensitivity variability: +/−15%
4.Built-in shutdown function
5.Compatible with 1.8V logic input interface
6.Three output current gain switching levels: 0.57µA/100lx,
3.Sensitivity variability: +/−15%
4.Built-in shutdown function
5.Compatible with 1.8V logic input interface
6.Three output current gain switching levels: 0.57µA/100lx,
5.7µA/100lx, 57µA/100lx (BH1620FVC)
7.Broad light measurement range: 0–100,000+lx (BH1620FVC),
7.Broad light measurement range: 0–100,000+lx (BH1620FVC),
0-65,528lx (BH1720FVC)
8.Wide operating voltage range: 2.4–5.5V (BH1620FVC)
9.Output proportional to brightness
10.I2C bus compatibility (F/S mode)
11.Integrated 16bit A/D converter eliminates the need for
8.Wide operating voltage range: 2.4–5.5V (BH1620FVC)
9.Output proportional to brightness
10.I2C bus compatibility (F/S mode)
11.Integrated 16bit A/D converter eliminates the need for
external processing
12.50Hz/60Hz optical noise removal function ensures stable
12.50Hz/60Hz optical noise removal function ensures stable
measurement (BH1720FVC)
Digital Light Sensor,
Light Sensor
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